Upcoming Virtual Programs & Podcasts

Dates and times will be shared soon—stay tuned for updates! Schedule is subject to change. All virtual programs and podcasts are open to NGLA Member Campuses.

Your Recruitment Rules Should Not Be 20 Pages Long

Have you ever looked at a document and said, “”I’m not reading all that!””. Well, this session will focus on how you can avoid that feeling in your Panhellenic community! During this program, attendees will be able to assess and dive deep into their own council’s recruitment rules to find barriers, and talk about common pitfalls and overreach. Bring your documents and let’s get down to business!

Start By Believing: How Greeks Can Respond to Survivors and Advocate for Change

The excitement of rushing Greek life and living in the sorority house made Kimberly Corban’s first two years of college unforgettable. When she and five of her sisters decided to live together the summer before their junior year, they could never have imagined just how important the bonds of sisterhood would become. Join certified crime victim advocate Kimberly Corban as she details her sexual assault case, the response by her Alpha Phi chapter and the Greek life community, and the harrowing journey to pursue justice that followed. Using her story as an illustration for what can happens when a survivor is met with belief, Kimberly will guide you through the initial stages and offer resources to develop your own ‘Start by Believing’ program. Discover the power and capabilities you have as a member of Greek life to address the unique challenges your campus faces in the fight against sexually-based violence.




March 25/11 AM ET What’s Love Got To Do With It? Actual Women’s Empowerment in Sorority Tina VanSteenbergen
April 3/4 PM ET Your Recruitment Rules Should Not Be 20 Pages Long NPC Team
April 16/2 PM ET Start By Believing: How Greeks Can Respond to Survivors and Advocate for Change Kimberly Corban
May, TBD Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Podcast) Ashley Kirk-Christman
May 13/11 AM ET Reinvention: Pioneering Change in FSL Michael Ayalon
August. TBD RRO Is My Friend Dave Westol

Past Programs

From Interest to Commitment: Building a Sustainable Names List for Dynamic Recruitment


Building a sustainable names list is the foundation of dynamic recruitment. Together we will explore how to effectively capture and cultivate interest, turning potential leads into committed members. Learn techniques for maintaining an active and engaged names list, ensuring a steady pipeline of potential new members ready to join your organization.

This program does not require NGLA membership.

NGLA Annual Conference Sneak Peak

In this episode of the NGLA podcast, we’re giving you an exclusive first look at the exciting offerings coming to the 2025 NGLA Annual Conference! Join us as we chat with some of our featured keynote speakers, who will provide insight into their programs and share what attendees can look forward to. Whether you’re a student leader, advisor, or industry professional, this episode is packed with insights to set you up for success at NGLA 2025! This program does not require NGLA membership.

Council Leadership: Starting the Semester off Right!

The NGLA Podcast presents Council Leadership: Starting the Semester Off Right. Todd Sullivan (NIC), Jamison Carson (NPC) and Cristina Luna (NALFO) join our inaugural podcast to discuss effective tips for Council leadership as they begin the new semester. This program does not require NGLA membership.