Sponsorship Opportunities

Show your support for advancing and educating fraternities and sororities and put your organization in front of an average of 675+ influential student leaders, professionals, and volunteers from 65+ campuses across the Northeast and beyond!

Whether you want to engage attendees in the NGLA Village (virtual and in-person exhibit hall), market your company, or support a program, there’s an opportunity for you at the region’s largest educational program for fraternity and sorority life!

Become a sponsor NGLA graphic

Program Sponsorship Opportunities

*Opportunity for multiple sponsors to support the program.

Support fraternities and sororities by showcasing your organization to influential leaders, professionals, and volunteers across the Northeast. Combine a Program Sponsorship with an Exhibiting Package for a 40% off of a Program Sponsorship.

  • Advertisement on the NGLA website during the calendar year of the NGLA Annual Conference, beginning mid-January.
  • Advertisement in Whova, the electronic event management platform, via the program session description.

  • One mention in the NGLA Annual Conference in Review email sent in March to our community following the NGLA Annual Conference. Additional advertising via the NGLA Newsletter may be available with an early commitment to program sponsorship. Emails to the NGLA community are viewed by an average of more than 2,250 subscribers.

  • One mention in an announcement to NGLA Annual Conference attendees via Whova on the day of the program. Additional advertising may be available if action in advance of the program is required to participate.

  • One promotion of your NGLA Program Sponsorship support before, during, or after the NGLA Annual Conference, depending upon the type of program via NGLA social media. Additional promotion may be available with early commitment, which NGLA will determine.

  • Inclusion in a promotional poster by Sponsor Recognition Level at Registration.

  • Promotional poster outside of the room for the duration of the program.

  • Restricted, single-use electronic participant email list will be provided within three days after the NGLA Annual Conference. Available for program sponsorships more significant than $1,000.

All opportunities are on a first-come, first-served basis, and completed sponsorship agreements must be returned. Sponsorship opportunities close on January 15, 2025, or earlier, based on availability.







Quiet Study Room

This opportunity supports substance-free programming. Your printed material placed in the room. $150 per night/ $300 for 3 Nights Gamma Sigma Alpha
Friday Affiliation Lunch* Support members of your organization attending the NGLA Annual Conference. Your material placed at your table(s) and NGLA will provide a list of members from your organization who are attending the NGLA Annual Conference. One individual acknowledgement by NGLA during the Friday Affiliation Lunch at the NGLA Annual Conference. $350 per Table Phi Sigma Sigma, Sigma Pi
Wall Projection of Logo Promote your organization with a wall projection of your logo in a high-traffic location. Limited quantity available. $500 Greek University, National Event Connection, Flare
Digital Banner in Whova Promote your organization with rotating digital banner in the electronic conference program guide. Limited quantity available. $500 —- Greek University, JED Foundation
In-Conjunction with Program (Private Meeting Space)* Support members of your organization attending the NGLA Annual Conference by hosting an invite-only meeting. Your material placed in your room and NGLA will provide a list of members from your organization who are attending the NGLA Annual Conference. Time and space to be agreed upon mutually. $500 Circle of Sisterhood
Step, Stroll, Salute Competition* This popular event is an opportunity for a sorority, fraternity, or a campus to showcase their traditions and heritage while displaying their talents. All are welcome to participate and show off those signature moves! NGLA will place your printed material on the seats {and/or} send your digital material electronically to all participants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. Presenting Sponsors also received featured advertisements in all printed and digital promotions of the program during the event plus reserved seating at the Step, Stroll, Salute Competition for all company representatives.    $500+ StoryMatters, LLC Black Greek Success Program
Conference Team Gift* Show your gratitude for the NGLA Conference Team! $1,000 $600 AVAILABLE
Professional & Graduate Student Gift* Show your gratitude for professionals and graduate students! $1,000 $600 Phired Up
Saturday Lunch An opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals to challenge themselves in confronting issues facing fraternities and sororities on college campuses. NGLA will send your digital materials electronically to all participants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. $1,000 $600 Flare
Friday Evening
This opportunity supports substance-free programming to keep the energy going after the Step, Stroll, Salute Competition. $1,500 $900 Greek University
Case Study Competition An opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals to challenge themselves in confronting issues facing fraternities and sororities on college campuses. NGLA will send your digital materials electronically to all participants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. $1,500 $900 Order of Omega
Friday Keynote Sets the tone for the weekend. Address the audience for up to five minutes, including short video if desired. NGLA will place your printed material on the seats {and/or} send your digital material electronically to all participants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. $2,000 $1,200 Circle of Sisterhood
Saturday Keynote The second of three keynotes. Address the audience for up to five minutes, including a short video if desired. NGLA will place your printed material on the seats {and/or} NGLA will send your digital material electronically to all participants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. $2,000 $1,200 Kappa Kappa Gamma
Gesell Lounge Support professionals, graduate students, and volunteers! Your printed material placed at the tables and NGLA will send your digital material electronically to non undergraduate registrants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. $2,000 $1,200 Phired Up
Thursday Professionals Reception Support professionals attending the NGLA Annual Conference. $2,000 $1,200 Greek University
Closing Program Last all-attendee event of the conference as part of the Closing Program. Address the audience for up to five minutes, including a short video if desired. NGLA will place your printed material on the seats {and/or} send your digital material electronically to all participants of the NGLA Annual Conference on the day of the program. $2,000 $1,200 Gamma Sigma Alpha
Electronic Program Guide & App (Whova) Every conference attendee is using the electronic conference program guide throughout the conference. Promote your organization with a static image. Constant eyes on you! $3,000 $1,800 Greek University
Accessibility Services Program to accommodate accessibility requests including, but not limited to, speech or hearing interpreter for NGLA Annual Conference attendees. $5,000 $3,000 Delta Zeta
Volunteer Team Appreciation Meal* A special appreciation meal to thank the hard-working NGLA Annual Conference volunteers. You or NGLA will address the audience, excluding video, for up to three minutes. Your printed materials placed at the tables {and/or} NGLA will send your digital material electronically to the Volunteer Team. Varies Alpha Chi Rho
Official Photographer and Portraits Photography of the NGLA Annual Conference and portraits of attendees. In-Kind GreekYearbook
Thursday Evening Entertainment This opportunity supports substance-free programming to end the day. In-Kind National Event Connection
Conference T-Shirts Free Apparel for the attendees of the NGLA Annual Conference. In-Kind —- Clothowear
Wellness & Self-care Programming Host your own wellness and self-care event. In-Kind PurposelyPresent Speaking & Coaching